Database Testing with Testcontainers and Kotlin Exposed ORM
In this article, we will explore how to use Testcontainers and Exposed, a lightweight ORM framework for Kotlin, to create a controlled environment for testing MySQL Database operations.
Setup a Kotlin project with gradle
First we install the latest gradle version using SDKMAN
sdk install gradle 8.1.1
Then create a new Gradle project using gradle init
with Kotlin support
mkdir kotlin-project
cd kotlin-project
gradle init --type kotlin-application --dsl kotlin
Add dependencies to gradle (build.gradle.kts)
// Exposed
implementation("", "exposed-core", "0.40.1")
implementation("", "exposed-dao", "0.40.1")
implementation("", "exposed-jdbc", "0.40.1")
// MySQL JDBC Driver
// Connection pool
// Test containers
Define the entity using Exposed DAO flavor
Exposed supports DSL (Domain Specific Language) and DAO (Data Access Object). The DAO flavor in Exposed is a lightweight ORM for performing CRUD operations on entities 1.
object Users: LongIdTable() {
val name = varchar("name", 50)
class User(id: EntityID<Long>) : LongEntity(id) {
companion object : LongEntityClass<User>(Users)
var name by
uses an auto-incrementing Long primary key
Use Testcontainers to start MySQL container, and perform CRUD operations on User entity
We use a single test container to improve test speed by avoiding repetitive container startup and shutdown for every test or test-class
object TestDatabase {
private val mySQLContainer: MySQLContainer<Nothing> = MySQLContainer<Nothing>("mysql:8.0.26").apply {
start() // Start the container
init {
val config = HikariConfig().apply {
jdbcUrl = mySQLContainer.jdbcUrl
username = mySQLContainer.username
password = mySQLContainer.password
driverClassName = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
maximumPoolSize = 10
val dataSource = HikariDataSource(config)
// This doesn't connect to the database but provides a descriptor for future use
// In the main app, we would do this on system start up
// Create the schema
transaction {
We create a simple test to test the crud operations.
Note: To run the tests on your local machine, you must have Docker installed and running. If you're using a Mac, you can use Docker Desktop for Mac.
class UserRepositoryTest {
fun setUp() {
// Use the TestDatabase singleton to initialize the database
fun crudUser() {
transaction {
// Create
val newUser = {
name = "Alice"
// Read
val retrievedUser = User.findById(
assertEquals("Alice", retrievedUser?.name)
// Update
retrievedUser?.apply {
name = "Bob"
val updatedUser = User.findById(
assertEquals("Bob", updatedUser?.name)
// Delete
val deletedUser = User.findById(
We've explored how to efficiently set up and automate Kotlin database testing using Testcontainers and the Exposed framework.
- Testcontainers allow us to run isolated database instance in Docker containers
- Exposed, with its lightweight DAO, make it easy to perform CRUD operations.
- Using a single test container throughout our test suit significantly improves performance.
You can find the complete source code for this tutorial on GitHub